Informations pratiques :

  • Du 01-09 au 01-10-2012 (date à confirmer).
  • Début à 20 h (les portes s’ouvrent à 19h30).
  • En anglais.
  • A l’Auditorium du NAI, Museumpark 25, Rotterdam.
  • Prix d’entrée: 7,50 €, étudiants : 3 €, gratuit pour les « Friends of the NAI ».
  • Plus d’informations

Extrait :

For decades, Dutch design has been exported across the globe. After a successful period in which the polycentric Randstad model was held in high esteem, followed by the fresh, modern approach of the SuperDutch architects, the resources and expertise of organisations such as NAi, IABR, and DutchDFA are now being employed for projects in Asia and South America. But, are Dutch ingenuity, pragmatism and process management the ideals that the explosively expanding or shrinking cities of the 21st century are most in need of? Isn’t the city more of a political question – of accessibility, equality and democracy? What does the Dutch model offer global cities and what can the Netherlands itself learn? These questions take centre stage in a debate that is organised on the occasion of the publication of the book ‘Are We The World?’, part six of the Design and Politics series. Featuring, among others: Wouter Vanstiphout, Henk Ovink and Karin Laglas …